
Equality in Sports

Fulfilling The Promise Of Title IX, A Federal Statute Passed In 1972

Is Your School Treating Women Fairly?

Understanding Title IX Compliance

Ensuring gender equality in school sports is not just a goal—it's a requirement under Title IX. We’ve analyzed the data that high schools, colleges, and universities report to the Department of Education. Our goal is to help you - athletes, families, and schools - assess how far your school is from achieving gender equality in athletics. You probably already have a sense of fairness, but let the data tell the story, by visiting our website at TitleIXSchools.com.

Also, check out Champion Women’s submission to the U.S. Department of Education.

A man and a woman are talking to each other in a gym.

Ensuring Equality in School Sports

In 2023, Champion Women filed 101 Complaints with the Department of Education.

In 2024, we made them better, with new percentages and graphs that demonstrate in a lack of equality over time. For detailed insights and assessments, visit TitleIXSchools.com.

Author & Significant Speeches

Explore our collection of expert-authored articles and position papers offering in-depth analysis of the legal, ethical, and financial challenges schools face in complying with Title IX. Nancy Hogshead's impactful speeches and podcasts further highlight the importance of gender equality in sports. Dive into these resources to stay informed and inspired. Learn more by clicking HERE.

In The Media

Read about how our Title IX advocacy and school assessments have been featured in the media. This section highlights coverage of our work to ensure that schools meet their legal obligations. For a full list of media mentions, check out our media coverage.

Petition: Enforce Title IX in Schools

Join Our Mission

Join us in creating a fair and safe environment for all female athletes. Volunteer, donate, or stay informed—your support makes a difference. Connect with us to learn more and help champion the rights of girls and women in sports.
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