Nancy Hogshead in Media: Advocating for Equality in Sports
Mike Bianchi, Orlando Sentinel, By Title IX standards, NIL stands for Not Inherently Legal | Commentary - Orlando Sentinel, “These pay-for-play collectives are not going to pass muster under Title IX,” says nationally renowned Title IX attorney Nancy Hogshead-Makar. “Believe me, lawyers are getting ready to challenge this.”; April 15, 2023, available at:
Boxing Scene, Arum Relishing Prospect Of Estrada-Valle After Moving With The Times, “What we know from the history of Title IX is that if you build it, they will come,” said Nancy Hogshead-Makar, a three-time Olympic gold medalist swimmer and chief executive forChampion Women, which advocates for equality and access in sports.” March 26, 2024, available at:
The Herald–Dispatch, College Sports Have Taken Over Higher Education, March 30, 2024, available at:“With Scott Hirko’s identification of 18 profitable and 211 money-losing NCAA Division I public athletic programs in 2020, three-time Olympic gold medalist Nancy Hogshead-Makar’s description of athletic spending deficits as, “money coming from academics to athletics, not the other way around,” and similar assessments of many sports economists, it is increasingly understood that the university existence is more for subsidizing huge losses incurred by the ‘Collegiate Athletics Entertainment and Gambling Industrial Complex’ than advancing our institutions’ ‘intellectual missions.’”
Washington Times, ‘Battle Of The Sexes 2.0’: WNBA Champs Offered $1 million To Beat Boys’ Basketball Team, “Some advocates for transgender athletes insist they have no inherent physical advantages over girls and women, a claim hotly disputed by former elite competitors such as Riley Gaines, Martina Navratilova and Nancy Hogshead-Makar.”; November 10, 2023 available at:
Swimming World Magazine, ‘Unfair Play: The Battle For Women’s Sport’ Shortlisted For William Hill Sports Book of the Year Award, “Olympian Sharron Davies was way out ahead of the sports world, warning everyone of an impending crisis to girls' and women's sport. She and I know the bitter taste of unfairness: we both competed against doped-up East German swimmers. History is repeating itself, this time by men who identify as women. Sharron and Craig tackle this story with precision and fairness.” - Nancy Hogshead-Makar, triple Olympic swimming gold medalist and CEO,Champion Women”; October 26, 2023, available at: